Code-Based Agreements: The
Power of Smart Contracts

Blockchain-powered Automation: Smart contracts execute
business rules efficiently, removing intermediaries

Interest Calculator

For Period of
Deposit Amount 0 XRP
Annual Interest 8%
You'll Earn



We've Built A Platform To Buy And Sell Shares.

Programmable Agreements: Smart contracts automate business logic on a
blockchain for secure and transparent transactions.

Decentralized Platform

The platform helps investors to make easy to purchase and sell their tokens

Crowd Wisdom

The process of taking into account the collective opinion of a group

Rewards Mechanism

The system pay a bonus for excellent individuals

Why Earn With Defi ?

Regulatory Compliance

Curabitur varius euismod dictum. Duis condimentum quis mauris lacinia mollis. Aliquam ac turpis euismod nisl pellen- tesque lobortis

10+ Years of FinTech Success

Curabitur varius euismod dictum. Duis condimentum quis mauris lacinia mollis. Aliquam ac turpis euismod nisl pellen- tesque lobortis

100% Asset-Backed Guarantee

Curabitur varius euismod dictum. Duis condimentum quis mauris lacinia mollis. Aliquam ac turpis euismod nisl pellen- tesque lobortis

ICO Cryptlight Token

ICO Tokens Details &
Sale Tokens.


Aug 8, 2021 (9:00AM GMT)


Feb 10, 2022 (9:00AM GMT)

Acceptable curencies


Number of Tokens for Sale

1.000.000 Tokens

Tokens exchange rate

1 ETH = 650 ICC, 1 BTC = 1940 ICC

Minimal Transaction

10 Tokens / Transaction

Aug 08 - Aug 31

30% Bonus


Sep 01 - Sep 15

25% Bonus


Sep 16 - Sep 30

20% Bonus


Oct 01 - Oct 15

15% Bonus


Oct 16 - Oct 31

10% Bonus


Nov 08 - Nov 31

5% Bonus


How It All Started

Development of the platform for hedging quotes
Development of the product for hedging crypto wallets
Development of the ICO hedging platform
Development of the ICO hedging platform
Development of the platform for hedging transactions on crypto exchange

Dui Et Faucibu

Nascetur Ridiculus


Curabitur Orci Ante


Nulla Luctus Quam

Velit Dignissim

Etiam Ultricies Velit

Etiam Ultricie

Proin Laoreet Enim

Molestie Ac

Vestibulum Gravida


Read Our Documents

Here is our full documents that help you to understand deeply
about us and our operation

White Paper
Terms Of Coin Sale
Privacy & Policy
One Pager

Frequently Asked Questions

Cryptlight is the most popular platform that is secure, smart and easy to buy, store and sell tokens.

Cryptlight is the most popular platform that is secure, smart and easy to buy, store and sell tokens.

Cryptlight is the most popular platform that is secure, smart and easy to buy, store and sell tokens.

Cryptlight is the most popular platform that is secure, smart and easy to buy, store and sell tokens.

Cryptlight is the most popular platform that is secure, smart and easy to buy, store and sell tokens.

Cryptlight is the most popular platform that is secure, smart and easy to buy, store and sell tokens.

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