Available For Hire

Cris Rayaan

A Passionate Full Stack Developer & Product Designer having 12 years of Experiences over 24+ Country Worldwide.

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Work Experience

2024 - 2023
Google Inc.
Product Designer
1 Year
2023 - 2022
Meta Inc.
Product Designer & Full Stack Developer
1 Year
2022 - 2020
Creative Cloud Inc.
Full Time Product Designer
2 Years

Awards & Recognitions

Grapho UI Contenst
May07, 2022
Runner Up
View Project
Iconic UI Bootcamp
May07, 2022
Runner Up
View Project
Grapho UI Contenst
May07, 2022
Runner Up
View Project

My Expert Area



Albert Flores

“Chris Evans is a design genius! Working with him on our mobile app for @health underling which is very important for to grow your brand online make represented under @basecom.”

Albert Flores

“Chris Evans is a design genius! Working with him on our mobile app for @health underling which is very important for to grow your brand online make represented under @basecom.”