Audio Blog

Does protein help in muscle mass?

By rullynovriyandi July 3, 2018. 1 min to read...

When it comes to the accretion of new muscle mass, protein intake is one of the primary variables to consider. But the real question which surrounds us is what protein to intake and how much is necessary for your body with how much time on exercise.

This article and audio blog will help you with this question, so let's dive into it.

"Remember all the protein is based on the exercise you do and how much protein you should take, it can also affect you negatively.”

Protein serves various functions in the body, including but not limited to growth and maintenance of tissue, catalyze biochemical reactions, recovery from injury, and normal immune function.

So, choosing the best and most needed protein is necessary.

Best Processes to gain

The balance between these two processes determined whether an individual will gain, maintain, or lose muscle mass.

  1. When the rate of MPS outpaces, MPB new muscle is accrued.
  2. When MPB outpaces MPS, muscle loss is observed.

Currently, the research suggests a protein intake of 1.6-2.2 g/kg per day is sufficient to optimize muscular gains.

However, when protein, calories, and any resistance exercise protocol are standardized, we still see a slight benefit when protein distribution is optimized throughout the day.

One of the more obvious reasons for this is the refractory period of MPS. The leucine threshold describes the amount of leucine required within a protein feeding to stimulate MPS8 maximally.

Protein quality and bioavailability aren’t the subjects of this article, but generally, what’s observed is animal-based protein seems to be superior to plant-based proteins in most cases.

Assuming a sufficient quantity of protein is consumed, we maximize the MPS response (roughly 20-40 g).


  • Author James March 17, 2015 at 18:45 AM

    Hello, I heard this audio blog, and let me say it, it is nice to have such a piece of health information.

    • Author Amanda March 17, 2015 at 18:45 AM

      I read this blog, they have shared great information, about protein intake, exercise, and more, you all should also read it.

    • Author Sarah March 17, 2015 at 18:45 AM

      Over time, as an active trainer, it is nice to have such data related to body, protein, and exercise.

  • Author Amanda March 17, 2015 at 18:45 AM

    Why do you even have to take protein when you can just maintain your health by eating good food, but it's good to have a detailed explanation on it.

  • Author Casper March 17, 2015 at 18:45 AM

    Read it, if you are a normal person or even a proactive trainer it will help you understand the effect of protein intake.


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