Pro Services

Create a premium look to your creation

With our premium service, you can have the best store which looks outstanding and eye-catching and become the best creator with our service. We believe in having amazing stores which in return increase the sales.

Sell - Globally. Earn - All the time



Advertising is one of the best ways to increase your visibility, increases the chances of total sales which will benefit you; there are different packages available.

Custom design store

Now have a custom design storefront, display amazing information which helps you grow your store and increase your sales. With this package, you can get it done.

Package of Advertisement

With our different packages of advertisement, you get what you want from social media, to email marketing and press release.

Social Media ads

Reach thousands of eyes

Reach thousands of eyes, your listings will be shared on our entire social media platforms like Twitter, Medium, and other platforms like Cent and Discord.

  • Only one store or listing on all social media on all social media
  • Your store or listing will be included in our weekly share (articles)

Email Marketing

Your creation inside their inbox

Now reach thousands of people through email, notify them about your store and new listing, sales and share information about your store.

  • Promote up to 3 listing or 2 store
  • Get some free credit that can be used on our platform

Press Release

Reach thousands of eyes

Release a newsletter about your NFTs and blockchain store and distributed it across hundreds of news websites. And reach the maximum audience.

  • Promote up to 5 listing or 3 store
  • Reach global audience by sharing it globally
  • Social media ads
  • Get some free credit that can be used on our platform
  • $75 for the already written article, $100 if you want an article written by our expert writer.

$100 / $75

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