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Frequently Asked Questions

Questions About All clone script

What payment methods are supported?

As of now, All Clone Script supports online payments in selected cryptocurrencies.

Does All Clone Script offer a credit account?

Currently, All Clone Script doesn't offer a credit account. Stay tuned for future updates.

Is there any special offer on purchasing multiple products?

Already, our products come with an affordable price tag. So, currently, there are no such offers.

Can I cancel my purchases?

No, we don’t allow cancellations after placing the order.

Do I require any documents while purchasing?

Once you log in, there’s no need to submit any documents to purchase anything from All Clone Script.

What is the refund policy?

All Clone Script’s refund policy can be found on the website. to read the Refund Policy. section.

Questions About Templates

How can I use the All Clone Script’s templates?

To use a template from All Clone Script, start by purchasing and downloading your chosen design. Extract the files from the downloaded ZIP and follow the installation guide provided with the package. Ensure compatibility with your website platform and customize the template to align with your brand. Upload the modified files to your server, test across devices and browsers, and enjoy the enhanced aesthetics and functionality of your new All Clone Script template.

What will I get in the package after buying a product?

Template Package:

  • HTML/React Pages
  • CSS file (with HTML templates)
  • JS File (with HTML templates)
  • Documentation
  • Read-me.txt

UI Design Package:

  • Figma file
  • Product Description.txt
  • Read-me.txt

App Template Package:

  • App Code With Sample Data
  • Documentation
  • Read-me.txt
What if the purchased template doesn’t work properly?

You can contact [email protected] for such queries. Our support staff will help you resolve such problems.

How to set up templates for apps?

After purchasing a template, download the ZIP file and extract files from your account dashboard. Review the documentation for setup instructions. Launch your app development platform or IDE, import or apply the template, and follow platform-specific steps. Customize the template according to your app's requirements, including layout, colors, and content. Test the app perfectly before launching to ensure all features work as expected.

Note: If you face any issues during the setup process, refer to the documentation for basic troubleshooting tips. Additionally, our customer support team is here to assist you. Feel free to reach out to us with any questions or concerns.

By following these steps, you'll be able to easily set up templates for your apps and bring your projects to life efficiently.

Can I get a custom-designed theme?

You can reach out to [email protected] for such requests. You can share your requirements and wait till we review them.

Do I need any third-party plugins to run templates?

No, our templates are designed to be fully functional. You do not need any third-party plugins to run our templates unless you want additional functionality. We aim to provide you with a seamless and hassle-free experience, ensuring that our themes have all the required features and functionalities built into the template. Simply install the template and activate it, and you're ready to go! Our support team is here to assist you if you have any specific questions or face any issues.

How can I edit codes on mac & windows?
  • Open the code editor of your choice.
  • Locate and open the file you want to edit.
  • Make changes to the code.
  • Save the file.
What happens when I don’t receive the complete package of the template?

You can contact [email protected] with sufficient proof of the purchase.Our support staff will reach out to you with a possible solution.

Is there any limit on the personal use of templates?

No, there is no limit once you purchase a template from All Clone Script, you have complete control over the usage of the template.

Are there any free web templates?

Yes, we offer a collection of free templates to enhance your website. These templates are designed to provide a glimpse of our quality offerings without any cost. Explore our free web templates and discover the perfect design for your online presence. Upgrade to premium web templates for an even wider array of features and customization options.

Can I use web templates with a CMS, Blog, or eCommerce system?

Yes, you can. You just need to browse web templates that are compatible with your existing platforms.

Are all the photos, icons, and other graphics free to use?

Graphics included in the package of the purchased product (UI designs, web templates, app templates, and clone scripts) are free to use.

What designing platform do you use?

Generally, we use Figma, Adobe Photoshop, or Adobe Illustrator for designing based on requirements.

Let's Talk

We'd love to answer any questions you may have. Contact us and discuss your business objectives & we will let you know how we can help along with a Free Quote.