

Privacy Policy

Your privacy is extremely important to us and we are committed to fair practices that protect your information. This Privacy Policy is provided to explain our information practices and the choices you can make about the way your information is collected and used. To make this notice easy to find, we make our policies and procedures available on every page of this website.

Scope of this Privacy Policy

Please be aware that this Privacy Policy does not govern all the information Help Scout may process. Our commitment to customers and service providers is governed by a separate Data Processing Amendment.

Our commitments to employees are governed by our internal employment policies.

In all instances we are committed to transparency with our customers, employees and protecting your data privacy.

An Overview of the Sources of Personal Data

Help Scout obtains information about individuals in these main ways:

  • When you visit this website or contact us directly about becoming a customer or obtaining other information.
  • When you become a Help Scout customer.
  • When individuals use a customer’s help desk function,
  • When individuals interact with a customer’s Beacon function,
  • When a customer uses our service to combine its data with the data residing in other applications, such as Salesforce,
  • When you are a service provider to Help Scout, and
  • Through the Help Scout employment process.

His Privacy Policy governs how we collect and process information obtained from your visits to our website, when you contact us directly (or interact with us via other media outlets and social media) about becoming a customer or to obtain other information, and when you engage with us as part of the employment process.

Our Data Processing Amendment governs our processing of any information obtained as a result of the customer or service provider relationship. You can read our commitment to customers and service providers, and our fair information practices in the Data Processing Amendment.

An Overview of the Sources of Personal Data

  • When you visit this website or contact us directly about becoming a customer or obtaining other information.
  • When you become a Help Scout customer.
  • When individuals use a customer’s help desk function,
  • When individuals interact with a customer’s Beacon function,
  • When a customer uses our service to combine its data with the data residing in other applications, such as Salesforce,
  • When you are a service provider to Help Scout, and
  • Through the Help Scout employment process.

Some definitions

This Privacy Policy relates to information collected by Help Scout PBC (referred to in this Privacy Policy as “Help Scout” “we” or “us” or “our”) through your use of the Help Scout website, its features, the services we provide (outside of our paid-for services), and information available through the Help Scout website.

“You” or “your” refers to the individual who uses this website, features, and services, or accesses available information, or engages with us directly by email or telephone.

As used in this Privacy Policy, the terms “using” and “processing” information include using cookies on a computer, subjecting the information to statistical or other analysis and using or handling information in any way, including, but not limited to collecting, storing, evaluating, modifying, deleting, using, combining, disclosing and transferring information within our organization.